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Key Personnel

Mr. Malcolm Dillman - Certified Lead-Based Paint Inspector, Utah State Certified UST Remover and Soil & Groundwater Sampler, and Certified Environmental Inspector. Mr. Dillman has a degree in Business Administration from Indiana University and has over ten years experience in the environmental industry performing environmental site assessments and lead-based paint inspections. Mr. Dillman has been a member of the Environmental Assessment Association since 1991 and is also a member of the National Society of Environmental Consultants. Mr. Dillman is also a member of the Advisory Board for the State of Utah Division of Air Quality - Standards for Small Business and has been an instructor at the Salt Lake Community College’s Environmental Health and Safety Training Center for the last two years. As an instructor at SLCC he has been involved in curriculum and class development for such classes as; Phase I and II Site Assessments, Hazard Communication and EPA in Real Estate and Financing.

Mr. Justin Crosby - Certified Utah State Asbestos Inspector, Lead-Based Paint Inspector/Risk Assessor and Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint Supervisor/Contractor. Mr. Crosby holds AHERA asbestos accreditation for Inspector and has two years in the asbestos field.  He is EPA accredited in Lead-based Paint as a Contractor/Supervisor, Inspector/Risk Assessor and has experience in these fields performing building inspections along with project specification development and implementation. Mr. Crosby is  Certified by the Hazardous Materials Training and Research Institute to conduct Hazardous Waste Site Training Courses and has six years as an adjucnt instructor at Salt Lake Community College. He is also certified to provide Asbestos Inspector and Supervisor Contractor annual refresher courses as well as Forklift training. He performs indoor air quality surveys and remediation along with project specification generation, and OSHA 2 hour and 16 hour asbestos and lead based paint awareness training.

Mr. Robert E. Adamson - Geologist, OSHA Trainer. Mr. Adamson has a B.S. in Geology from the University of Wyoming and has more than 15 years experience in the area of environmental site assessments, subsurface investigations, and asbestos project management. Mr. Adamson is also experienced in the areas of safety and environmental health risk assessment and management as it pertains to hazardous waste generation and treatment along with site specific health and safety plan development and implementation. He has more than five years experience in occupational health and safety training in areas such as OSHA Hazardous Waste Worker Certification, RCRA Subtitle C, Hazard Communication, and Asbestos Contractor Supervisor. Mr. Adamson has been an instructor and curriculum developer at the Salt Lake Community College‘s Environmental Health and Safety Training Center for the last five years in the class areas of Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments, OSHA Hazardous Waste Worker Certification, Environmental Sampling and Analysis, Hazardous Waste Generation, Reduction and Treatment, and EPA in Real Estate and Financing.

Mr. F. David Pierce, C.I.H. Comprehensive Practice, C.I.H. Chemical Aspects, M.S.P.H.. Mr. Pierce has a B.S. in Physics, Chemistry and Biology, a M.S.P.H. in Safety and Occupational Health. Mr. Pierce has more than twenty-six years experience in industrial hygiene and environmental occupational safety and health 

Mr. Earl Underwood - Utah State Certified UST Consultant and Geologist. Mr. Underwood has a B.S. in Geology and has more than 7 years experience in the area of petroleum contaminant investigations and remedial system design and installation. He also has extensive experience in the field of geology as it pertains to mining and oil/gas exploration along with several years experience in overall UST project management including subcontractor selection, proposal generation, and project cost analysis. Mr. Underwood also has experience in computer based mapping and modeling for the determination of contaminant plume migration and extent.

Ms. Holly Welsh - Utah State Certified UST Consultant, Utah State Certified UST Remover and Soil & Groundwater Sampler, and Geologist. Ms. Welsh has more than 10 years experience managing environmental projects in the states of Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and New York. Her expertise lies in Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) site project management and Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA). She recently served on the Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) Stakeholders Committee for RBCA Tier II Guidelines. Ms. Welsh uses her experience and industry knowledge to provide clients with cost-effective remedial solutions.



Copyright © 1999 Intermountain Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Last modified: March 30, 2002