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Sample Asbestos Inspection
Sample Asbestos Inspection Sample O&M Abatement Contractors Labs References










Salt Lake City, Utah



 January 14, 1997



Prepared by:


Intermountain Environmental Consultants, Inc

4730 South Redtail Hawk Bay

Holladay, UT  84117


Asbestos-containing material (ACM) was identified in the Hospital as follows:

Material Location Quantity Percent/Type Asbestos Friable Condition
Mudded fittings Throughout building ~1,200 fittings 20-65%, chrysotile and amosite Yes Poor, damaged
Piping TSI Throughout building, chases, above suspended ceilings, crawlspace ~8,000 linear feet From 50% chrysotile to 3% amosite and 10% crocidolite Yes Poor, damaged, in soil of crawlspace*
Surfacing TSI Boiler room, vessels, boilers, vessel on 2nd floor above SW corner ~4,000 square feet From 30% chrysotile to 65% amosite Yes Poor, damaged in several areas, delaminating
2x4 suspended ceiling tiles 4th floor east and west ends, 3rd floor NW room, majority of main floor 7,600 square feet 2% chrysotile 2% amosite Yes Fair, some damage from rodents
Gaskets Boiler room 24 units Up to 70% chrysotile Yes Some water damage to gaskets
Debris on boiler room floor Boiler room ** See notes below Same as piping TSI Yes Material has fallen from pipe and boiler insulation
Rolled vinyl flooring Floors 1-5 1,500 square feet 30% chrysotile In Utah when removed Good, some material under carpet
9" floor tile and mastic landings of center staircase 15,000 square feet <1% to 10% chrysotile, mastic contains 10% chrysotile No Good
Asphaltic sealer Ceilings of walk-in coolers and freezers 200 square feet in five units 20% chrysotile No Good
Ducting insulation cover Outside, 2nd floor roof 500 square feet 30% chrysotile No Fair
Roofing Flat roof above 3rd and 4th floor 6,000 square feet Felt <1% chrysotile, tar sealer 15% chrysotile No Good
Transite panels Throughout building, backing for electrical panels 3,500 square feet Assumed No Good

*There was approximately 2,000 square feet of mag block type insulation lying on the ground of the east crawlspace.  It appears this material was removed by copper scavengers. 

**The  boiler room has scattered asbestos insulation on the floor of about 3,000 square feet.  Several of the floors were observed to have asbestos pipe insulation lying on the suspended ceilings and in the pipe chases.

The cost to remove individual items is as follows, these costs do not include IEC’s costs for management of the project.  These estimates are based on renovation:

Material Abatement Cost Duration
Mudded fittings $30,000 25 days
Piping TSI $40,000 30 days
Surfacing TSI $16,000 5 days
2x4 suspended ceiling tiles $11,400 7 days
Gaskets $1,500 3 days
Debris on boiler room floor $14,000 3 days
Rolled vinyl flooring $3,500 7 day
9" floor tile and mastic $30,000 30 days
Asphaltic sealer $1,500 3 days
Ducting insulation cover $1,000 3 days
Roofing Not required  
Transite panels Not required  

Roofing and transite panels should be managed in place. 

Removal of all friable material throughout the building is estimated at $200,000 and would require a 6 man crew about 45 days to complete. Areas of the 2nd floor and all of the 3rd and 4th floors would require the lath and plaster ceiling to be removed to determine the exact locations of the insulated steam lines running to the upper floors radiators. Almost all of the pipe chases in the walls contain ACM TSI on the supply and return lines, though several chases on the 1st and 2nd floor were observed to have been abated. Soil in the east crawlspace would need to be removed to a depth of four inches due to the extent of the contamination.

Lead-based Paint Levels above 0.5 mg/cm²

Location Quantity mg/cm² Condition
South Building
Exterior <5,000 ft² 11.23-13.88 Good
Exterior <5,000 ft² 12.91-13.02 Good
Unit 4, kitchen stained wood and wall <200 ft² 3.56-3.7 Satisfactory
Door molding, unit 12 <100 ft² 4.1-8.44 Satisfactory
North Building
Exterior window sill 14 units 7.48 Satisfactory
Unit 1, wall of dining rm <1,000 ft² 1.66 Satisfactory
East Building
Levels below 0.5

The EPA defines LBP as any coating equal to or greater than 5,000 ug/g /g or 1 mg/cm², OSHA defines LBP to be any paint containing lead. The renovation contractor must be made aware of any high lead content of the paint on this structure and take appropriate employee exposure actions. During demolition the employees and area should be monitored to provide a Negative Exposure Assessment (NEA). Waste disposal of any of these items will require sampling of the debris to determine if the lead from the paint will leach into the soil at the landfill (TCLP).


Salt Lake County Health Department Demolition Items:

Mercury Thermostats and switches Mercury Fluorescent Tubes PCB Ballasts or Transformers CFCs in refrigerant units Chemicals and cleaners
15 14,000 linear feet ~370 units 6 refrigerators

5 large AC units

53 window AC units

~ 500 gallons

It is estimated to cost $15,000 and five workers about one week to remove and dispose of these items.



Copyright © 1999 Intermountain Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Last modified: March 21, 2002