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These three pages are excerpted from an actual O&M Plan:


SUR1 Level 2

Work in the second floor ceiling crawlspace.




Repairs to any of the HVAC mixing boxes located in the area and accessed through the hatches in the ceiling.

Repairs to the plumbing lines.

Install wiring conduit or other equipment in the area.

Any work that can be performed near the hatch access and involves small scale short duration.




This work practice must be used on conjunction with Procedures P1, P9 and the Level 2 Worker Checklist. The worker checklist contains tasks that must be performed before the work can be started.

Any work conducted in the ceiling crawlspace requires the proper PPE. Air monitoring of the workers and affected areas must be conducted. It is recommended that a containment with negative pressure be included any time the service hatches are opened. Specific containment design plans are located in appendix I. Service in the crawlspace without PPE may be allowed after a suitable negative assessment is performed.



1. Perform Pre-work activities on Level 2 checklist.

2. Additional tools, equipment and materials as required. (See P1 for the standard list of tools, equipment and materials).

3. Prepare the work area with the containment and decontamination unit. (See appendix I).

4. Place tools, equipment and materials as required into the containment.

5. Start negative air machine, check manometer for correct negative pressure and begin air monitoring.

6. Access ceiling hatch as according to SUR9 if the hatch covering is ACM.

7. HEPA vacuum the top of the hatch after opening.

8. HEPA vacuum and wet wipe any surfaces that may come into contact with the worker and the item to be replaced or maintained.

9. Perform the work required. Analyze air samples to ensure low levels of any airborne asbestos in the containment. Clean up and tear down as according to Level 2 checklist.


SUR1 - Level 3

Work in the second floor ceiling crawlspace.




Replacement or work on any ducts with overspray.

Repairs to more than three ACM mudded fittings.

Replacement or disturbance of any fiberglass insulation batts.

Replacement of an HVAC mixing box.

Any work requiring the worker to move through the attic or deal with ACM amounts greater than that of small scale short duration.



This work practice must be used on conjunction with Procedures P1, P9 and the Level 3 Worker Checklist. The worker checklist contains tasks that must be performed before the work can be started.

Any work conducted in the ceiling crawlspace requires the proper PPE. Air monitoring of the workers and affected areas must be conducted. It is recommended that a containment with negative pressure be included any time the service hatches are opened. Specific containment design plans are located in appendix I.



1. Perform Pre-work activities on Level 3 checklist.

2. Additional tools, equipment and materials as required. (See P1 for the standard list of tools, equipment and materials).

3. Prepare the work area with the containment and decontamination unit. (See appendix I).

4. Place tools, equipment and materials as required into the containment.

5. Start negative air machine, check manometer for correct negative pressure and begin air monitoring.

6. Access ceiling hatch as according to SUR9 if the hatch covering is ACM.

7. HEPA vacuum the top of the hatch after opening. Pick up any bulk ACM debris that is within reach and place into burial bags.

8. HEPA vacuum and wet wipe any surfaces that may come into contact with the worker and the item to be replaced or maintained.

9. Perform the work required. Analyze air samples to ensure low levels of any airborne asbestos in the containment. Do not attempt a clearance level for the crawlspace. Clean up and tear down as according to Level 3 checklist.



Install wiring conduit, plumbing, etc., in the second floor ceiling crawlspace.



This work covers situations where small amounts of wiring, conduit, plumbing or other items must be installed in the crawlspace. The procedure assumes that ACM will not intentionally be disturbed during the work. Level 2 work must be conducted within the vicinity of the hatch access. Level 3 work is assumed to involve movement through the crawlspace.




Level 2 Install wiring through conduit that does not have overspray on the conduit and the access point is near the hatch.

Level 3 Install wiring, plumbing or other items that will lay on the top of the ceiling.



Work Activities

SUR1 - Work in the second floor ceiling crawlspace.

SUR9 - Accessing through a ceiling hatch covered with spray-on material.


Number of


Two workers for level 2 or 3. More workers as needed to increase efficiency. One person to conduct air monitoring that has been trained in air monitoring techniques.


Copyright © 1999 Intermountain Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Last modified: March 21, 2002